1.) What is the Central Nervous System?


= Includes the brain & spinal cord.

- Takes in & responds to information from the Peripheral Nervous System.

2.) What is the Peripheral Nervous System?


= Includes the nerves, which connect all the body parts to the CNS, so information can be transmitted back & forth.
3.)What are the main brain structures? = Right & Left Cerebrums, Cerebellum & Medulla
4.) What is the function of the Cerebellum? = The Cerebellum receives & processes information from the skeletal joints in the body.  The Cerebellum also keeps track of body position & helps you keep your balance.
5.) What is the function of the Medulla?

= The Medulla is the smallest brain structure & connects to the Spinal Cord. The Medulla controls involuntary processes (Autonomic Nervous System), such as breathing & regulating heart rate.

6.) What is the function of the Right & Left Cerebrums? = The Cerebrum is the largest brain structure & is divided into 2 halves. Each 1/2 of the brain controls the opposite side of the body. The Cerebrum controls voluntary movements (Somatic Nervous System) & the senses of touch, light, sound, odors, taste, pain, heat & cold.
7.) What is the Somatic Nervous System? = The Somatic Nervous System is part of the PNS & is made up of motor neurons, tht you can control. These neurons are conneted to skeletal muscles. They control voluntary movements, such as walking, writing & talking.
8.) What is the Autonomic Nervous System? The Autonomic Nervous System controls body
functions that you do not have to think about (like
digestion, breathing & heart beating) & keeps all of
the body's functions in balance.
9.) What is Reaction Time? Reaction time is the interval between when a person
responds to stimulus that he/she has detected.
10.) What is a Reflex? A reflex is an involuntary reaction or response that
happens automatically.